Thursday, March 29, 2007

Service-Oriented Device Architecture at

The Eclipse Open Healthcare Framework project has recently added a page that describes SODA, of which SAT is a part.

"Service-Oriented Device Architecture (SODA) is an initiative to standardize and simplify the integration of devices with enterprise solutions by introducing a services-based programming model. SODA leverages existing and emerging standards from both the embedded-device and IT domains to provide well-defined interfaces for hardware devices to a service-oriented architecture (SOA)."

On the page you'll also find links to Device Kit and SAT resources, and you can find the official OHF downloads for SODA here.

Monday, March 12, 2007

A Successful OSGi Tutorial at EclipseCon

The EclipseCon tutorial Building Service Oriented Bundle Architectures was a huge success and generated a lot of positive publicity for SAT. At the tutorial the attendees learned how to build service-oriented bundles and worked with both fake and real hardware devices.

If you missed the tutorial, the materials are available here at the Band XI site.

Thank you John, Brett, Patrick, Paul, Randy, Bill and Kristen for developing the materials and doing such a fantastic job at the conference. See you next year!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

EclipseCon Tutorial: Building Service Oriented Bundle Architectures

Going to EclipseCon next week? Then be sure to sign up for the tutorial Building Service Oriented Bundle Architectures to learn more about how to use SAT.

The tutorial, presented by BandXI International and IBM, is going to a great opportunity to learn more about how best to use Eclipse to build OSGi applications and the benefits of being service oriented.

Friday, March 2, 2007

SAT is Now Available at

The Service Activator Toolkit source is now available in the Open Healthcare Framework technology project of

SAT started life in 2001 as an IBM/OTI technology developed to make building OSGi service-oriented bundles easier. From its inception SAT has always been about writing less OSGi plumbing code, leaving more time to worry about writing the business logic of your application.

An Eclipse 3.2.2 compatible binary download of the latest runtime and tooling update sites is also available. Once you have installed the tooling into your Eclipse IDE, read the documentation for instructions on how to use the runtime bundles. For more information on SAT, take a look at the documentation online.

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